

Renée Zeven, ABN AMRO

Rens intuits the mood of the speakers and audience well and provides the right twists to the storyline. His enthusiasm, energy and humor are infectious. Rens is a true professional and one of our favorite moderators!

Conny Wegerif, Robeco

Rens is the ideal event moderator for us. He switches quickly between speakers, audience and current affairs, bringing every subject to life in a pleasant way. Boring becomes fascinating. Complexity becomes entertainment.

Tineke Zwaan, Vakmedianet

Rens works quickly and professionally. Do not expect a shallow presenter, but one who has actually researched the subject matter and dares to ask the real questions. This is always greatly appreciated by the audience.

Ron Steenkuijl, ADG Dienstengroep

Together with his elegant BuzzMaster, he conducted the program like an accomplished orchestra conductor.

Anniek Mauser, Unilever

With BuzzMaster, Rens de Jong knows how to make large and complex subjects intimate and understandable. He ensures real interaction and involvement with his penetrating yet disarming style.

Wijnand van Zanten, Mobiliteitsalliantie

Rens has taken the National Mobility Debate to an unprecedented level with his substantive knowledge, organization and also humor.

Maria van der Heijden, MVO Nederland

Rens brings out the best in people, creating an atmosphere that is open and enthusiastic. Something special happens to people when Rens is on stage. Something that fascinates and connects them.

Rens de Jong